- Hey, there, I'm Rob Howard. Welcome to WordPress Without a Developer. Before we get started I just want to touch on a few things that are gonna make this course different than other learning experiences you may have had in the past. First of all, it's all about short and sweet chunks, and useful takeaways within a five or 10 minute investment of your time. I know you're busy. I know you have dozens of to-do items, and this is just one of them, so I set this course up in a way that allows you to invest a few minutes here and there, and really get useful takeaways from every video, and every chapter that you use. So go ahead and fit it in among your other tasks, among your personal tasks, in the evenings, whatever makes sense for you, you'll be able to take short and sweet chunks, and get something really useful out of them. The other thing that I'm gonna do is really put everything in a business context for you, so it's not just here's the best plug-in go install it it's here's the thought process around selecting a tool for a particular task based on where you are in your business, so starting out your thought process should be very different than what it should a year from now, and I'm gonna help you not get stuck in this, "well, what if this doesn't work for me six months down the road" mindset, and instead shift into a mindset to launch quickly, do it yourself, get something really solid, and establish a framework and a baseline of knowledge that you can expand in the future when it's appropriate for your business. With that in mind let's dive into our first chapter The Launch Mindset.